
Irvins Salted Egg Chips & Salted Egg Fish Skin: Review

Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Dangerously Addictive Salted Egg Snacks freshly made in Singapore using only the best ingredients, without any added preservatives. The first original #DangerouslyAddictive Salted Egg snacks from Singapore is finally in the Philippines! Before the salted egg chips craze came to Manila this brand was the first one to make a buzz all over the world. Foodies from all parts of the world go to Singapore just...

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Chicken Chops

Serenitea @ 10 Years: #Serenitea Moments

Thursday, April 05, 2018
Spicy Squid Every Serenitea Moments are Moments to Be Cherished We celebrate different occasions because we are thankful for the moments we get to have. Birthdays are for a year of life, anniversaries are for a year of love, and holidays are for a year of significant events. But even if it’s just a normal day, just a typical bonding time with your family, friends and...

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