FC Bio Pads

Feminine Comfort (FC) Bio Sanitary Pads: An Honest Review

Thursday, December 03, 2015
FEMININE COMFORT (FC) BIO SANITARY PADS has been all the buzz in the female community for quite a period now. This is a product of Malaysia and claims to relieve menstrual pains, regulate menstrual cycle, prevent infections and many more. I have always been curious about these pads and wonder what differentiates them from the regular napkins sold in drug stores. I discovered FC Bio Pads on...

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Support Local: BuChug's Fresh Lumpia

Wednesday, December 02, 2015
I have been seeing a lot of Fresh Lumpia posts from my friend Christopher Chug on Facebook lately.  He says the making of the Lumpia was his  Grandma's idea! A lot of mutual friends and followers have been ordering from him. He even posts reviews and feedbacks from his friends with actual videso to prove that the Lumpia is indeed, very good! Therefore, after...

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Happy Juices Inc: Fruit & Vegetable Juice

Tuesday, December 01, 2015
8 Bottles that I ordered for a one day detox Juicing have been a trend for quite some time now but I have been interested in trying this about 2 years ago when I first saw it on TV when it is not yet a mainstream thing. I do not eat healthy food and I rarely eat fruits and vegetables that's why this...

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